Internal medicine is a major branch of science. It is also known as internal diseases. It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the human digestive system, hormonal systems (such as sugar, thyroid, and obesity), heart, lung, kidney, blood diseases, cancer, infectious diseases, and rheumatic diseases. Internal Medicine regulates the necessary coordination of nutrition and physical activities to live healthy.

Lower and upper respiratory tract diseases; diabetes, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, blood diseases, hyperlipidemia (cholesterol, triglyceride elevation), fatty liver, kidney and liver diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, thyroid diseases, rheumatic diseases, obesity, metabolic syndrome diagnosis and treatment of diseases are performed by our specialist physicians.


Uzm.Dr. Ayşe Öztürk Sezgin Resume Appointment
Uzm.Dr. Demet Demir Kaya Resume Appointment
Uzm.Dr. Uğur Bakır Resume Appointment
Uzm.Dr. Senem Arslan Resume Appointment