What is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplant which is a surgical procedure performed on people experiencing hair loss, is the process of moving hair follicles from the donor area to the thinned or bald area with different medical techniques. Hair transplantation can be applied to every individual who has enough hair follicles in the donor area.

 What Causes Hair Loss?

The most common cause is known to be genetic but it can also be the result of hormonal changes, iron, vitamin deficiency, seasonal changes, traumatic injury or part of aging.

How is Hair transplantation done?

Hair transplant duration may last up approximately 8 hours depending on the area to be transplanted. If the area to be transplanted is very large, hair transplantation may necessitate  more than one session. It is carried out under local anaesthesia and after the process is completed, the transplanted area is covered with a special bandag and the patient is discharged  with prescribed medications and important recommendations to follow.


What should be done or not done after Hair Transplantation?

• The hair transplanted area should not be touched for the first 10 days after the procedure.

• Smoking and alcohol use should be stopped or reduced.

• Hot and humid areas such as saunas, Turkish baths and solarium should not be used unless your doctor approves.

• You should definitely consult your doctor about the medications you need to use other than the ones your doctor prescribes.

• After hair transplantation, you should not wash  your hair yourself until your doctor examines you and gives you approval.

• As the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, you will not feel pain for 2-3 hours. but for pain that you may feel later on, you can use the medications that your doctor has prescribed.


What are the risks and side effects of Hair Transplantation?

• Some conditions such as bruising, swelling, redness and bleeding may be observed in the treatment areas.

• Some situations due to local anesthesia

• Allergic reactions

• Pain in the treated area during the procedure

• Skin pulling, scarring appearance after application

• Post-procedure dissatisfaction


What are the Techniques Used in Hair Transplantation?

• FUE technique

• Sapphire FUE

• Sapphire DHI

• Painless Hair Transplantation


What is the FUE Technique?

FUE Technique, Follicular Unit Extraction, is among the most modern hair transplantation techniques. The most distinctive difference between the Fue technique and the Fut technique is that with FUE technique the hair follicles are extracted one by one under local anaesthesia and implanted one by one into the bald or thinned area where micro channels were opened with sharp steel blade.

What is Sapphire FUE Technique?

Sapphire FUE technique is a frequently preferred FUE hair transplant technique. It is an innovative technique that provides natural and precise results. In this technique the micro channels where hair follicles will be placed are opened with sapphire blade pens made of this precious stone in stead of sharp steel blades. 

The opening of the channels during the hair transplantation phase directly affects the results of the hair transplantation operations because channels have a major impact on the intensity, angle and direction of hair growth, which are the determinants of a natural appearance.


What is Sapphire DHI Technique?

Sapphire DHI is nowadays the latest new hair transplant method which offers you an incredible 99% success rate.

Sapphire DHI technique and traditional FUE technique combined together offer the best hair growth rates. The most obvious advantage of the Sapphire DHI technique is that the new hair channels are previously prepared with thinner sapphire micro blades and the number of harvested and preserved grafts  is 99%. These  grafts are then successfully implanted into the pre-prepared channels with the DHI pen.


What is Painless Anaesthesia?

Using a small low-pressure pump, the pain relief is injected directly into your scalp. This method makes you feel 70% less pain than the normal injection method and makes the procedure very comfortable and stress-free for patients who are afraid of injections.